Date: Feb 20, 2016 12:00 PM - Feb 23, 2016 12:00 PM
CE Hours
CE Units
Target Audience(s)
- Pharmacists
The purpose of the AACP Continuing Professional Development program is to provide continuing professional development opportunities to members and others eligible who are dedicated to life-long learning. AACP will provide high quality, active, engaging educational programming enabling individuals to continuously improve their knowledge and skills.
The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.
Requirements for CE Credit
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Registration closes on Feb 25, 2016
at 01:00 AM
Registration Closed
- At the completion of this activity, the participant will be able to: 1. Summarize examples of current collaborations between pharmacy and medicine. 2. Describe the benefits and limitations of those collaborations and interactions. 3. Formulate the next steps to take in forging partnerships at home institutions.
Edmund Funai, MD
Julie Byerley, MD, MPH
Activity Number
0581-0000-16-010-L04-PCE Hours
Registration Closed
- At the completion of this activity, the participant will be able to: 1. Explain status of billing and coding for pharmacists patient care services. 2. Describe opportunities for pharmacists’ integration and collaboration within health care reform practice models. 3. Illustrate the utilization of diverse medical practice models for advanced pharmacist practice models
Dan Buffington, Pharm.D., MBA
Activity Number
0581-0000-16-007-L04-PCE Hours
Registration closes on Feb 25, 2016
at 01:00 AM
Registration Closed
- Because of the commonsense, back-to-the-basics, nature of what is presented participants will leave being able to: Achieve higher levels of buy-in, both quicker and easier. Having more of their people operating at higher levels of performance. Tap into deeper levels of people’s innovation and creativity.
Doug Krug, S.U.S.
Activity Number
0581-0000-16-005-L04-PCE Hours
Registration Closed
- 1. Recognize the urgency to accelerate change in pharmacy practice and education. 2. Discuss the role of academic pharmacy in producing innovations that advance the contributions of pharmacists in health care. 3. Consider strategies through which AACP may stimulate and support spread of innovation in academic pharmacy.
Marie Smith, Pharm.D
Patricia Kroboth, PhD
Activity Number
0581-0000-16-006-L04-PCE Hours
Registration Closed
- At the completion of this activity, the participant will be able to: 1. Describe possible solutions to meet the challenges of communicating and recruiting in a competitive educational environment. 2. Discuss innovative approaches to reaching large audiences. 3. Describe effective messaging and outreach strategies.
Jennifer Adams, Pharm.D., Ed.D
Stephanie Saunders Fouch, BA
Activity Number
0581-0000-16-008-L04-PCE Hours
Registration closes on Feb 25, 2016
at 01:00 AM
Registration Closed
- 1. Evaluate the use of professional debate arguing skills for application in leadership interactions
- 2. Assess the design, value and use of professional debate arguing in a team environment
- 3. Analyze the value and ramifications of change management
Activity Number
0581-0000-16-002-L04-PCE Hours
Registration Closed
- 1. Evaluate the use of professional debate arguing skills for application in leadership interactions
- 2. Assess the design, value and use of professional debate arguing in a team environment
- 3. Analyze the evidence-based theories behind leader development
Activity Number
0581-0000-16-001-L04-PCE Hours
Registration Closed
- 1. Evaluate the use of professional debate arguing skills for application in leadership interactions
- 2. Assess the design, value and use of professional debate arguing in a team environment
- 3. Analyze the evidence-based differences between leading and managing
Activity Number
0581-0000-16-003-L04-PCE Hours
Registration Closed
- 1. Explain how recruit and develop future leaders. 2. Compare and contrast between leadership and management. 3. Identify how leadership differentially relates to various members of the academy.
Evan Robinson, Ph.D.
Activity Number
0581-0000-16-011-L04-PCE Hours
Registration Closed
- At the completion of this activity, the participant will be able to: 1. Evaluate critical tasks for leadership and those which are considered management in nature 2. Analyze potential ways to handle the management in your role 3. Formulate a plan for the kind of leader you will become in 2 years
Judy Genshaft, PhD
Activity Number
0581-0000-16-009-L04-PCE Hours
Registration Closed
- At the completion of this activity, the participant will be able to: 1. Describe the current state of the market in eLearning. 2. Plot a trajectory of promising technology innovation that will serve the next decade of digital learners.
Lou Pugliese
Activity Number
0581-0000-16-012-L04-PCE Hours
Registration closes on Feb 25, 2016
at 01:00 AM
Registration Closed
- At the completion of this activity, the participant will be able to: 1. Describe the intersection of leadership and well-being using evidence based practices. 2. Apply the principles of positive leadership to situations such as having difficult conversations, managing conflict, and work-life integration. 3. Identify resources to support the practice of positive leadership.
Nance Lucas, Ph.D.