Date: Jan 19, 2022 10:00 AM - Jan 21, 2022 05:00 PM
CE Hours
CE Units
Activity Type
- Application
Target Audience(s)
- Pharmacists
The purpose of the AACP Continuing Professional Development program is to provide continuing professional development opportunities to members and others eligible who are dedicated to life-long learning. AACP will provide high quality, active, engaging educational programming enabling individuals to continuously improve their knowledge and skills.
The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.
Requirements for CE Credit
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- Describe lessons learned from medical student and resident education on efforts to support anti-racist learning environments.
- Explain how administrative and educational leaders across professions may plan for and implement new curricula as an actionable step to address racism.
- Identify strategies and resources to integrate DEI competencies into teaching and assessment.
Kamilah Weems |
Kate McOwen |
Lisa Howley |
Norma Poll-Hunter |
Activity Number
0581-0000-22-014-L04-PCE Hours
- Examine the implications that result from a failure to effectively recognize DEAI efforts in both strategic goals and faculty development through specific examples.
- Describe administrative approaches to incorporate DEAI accomplishments into strategic planning and the holistic annual review of faculty achievements.
- Identify specific DEAI efforts to advance pharmacy practice, research, and education.
Sam Poloyac |
Skyller Walkes |
Activity Number
0581-0000-22-015-L04-PCE Hours
- Discuss the impact of diversity fatigue and emotional burnout on DEI professionals and the implications of that for DEI work.
- Discuss hardships the pandemic has placed in relation to DEI work, and how faculty can address such issues.
- Recognize the importance of balance to maintain healthy boundaries.
- Explore options to support the mental health needs of faculty engaged in DEI work.
Anisa Hansen |
Frank North |
Meagan Brown |
Tamara McCants |
Activity Number
0581-0000-22-016-L04-PCE Hours
- Explain how inequities hinder learning in pharmacy education.
- Summarize the implications of non-diverse, non-inclusive, and inequitable policies and practices.
- Discuss methods to make the pharmacy learning environment more inclusive and equitable.
Lakesha M. Butler |
Activity Number
0581-0000-22-017-L04-PCE Hours
- Provide at least three examples of areas of behavior/appearance in which “professionalism” is related to adherence to dominant norms.
- Describe the concepts of “support and challenge” and “self-authorship.”
- Identify at least three actionable strategies for moving from a prescriptive to a descriptive approach to professionalism and authenticity.
Z Tenney |