Date: Jul 13, 2019 08:00 AM - Jul 17, 2019 12:00 PM
CE Hours
CE Units
Target Audience(s)
- Pharmacists
The purpose of the AACP Continuing Professional Development program is to provide continuing professional development opportunities to members and others eligible who are dedicated to life-long learning. AACP will provide high quality, active, engaging educational programming enabling individuals to continuously improve their knowledge and skills.
The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.
Requirements for CE Credit
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- Discuss why the science of learning supports team teaching.
- Describe two strategies for incorporating team teaching into their curriculum.
- Discuss and practice strategies for helping students connect content across contexts.
Chris Hakala |
Daniel A. Brazeau |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-030-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe characteristics that make teams successful.
- Assess individual workstyles and what we bring to a team.
- Discuss strategies to building trust and holding teammates accountable in a non-punitive way.
Michael J. Fulford |
Monica L. Miller |
Vibhuti Arya |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-031-L04-PCE Hours
- Engage audience in interactive play to explore team dynamics and how to maximize team performance.
- Discuss challenges related to team teaching.
- Explore strategies that provide tangible tools and techniques for effective team teaching.
Michael J. Fulford |
Monica L. Miller |
Vibhuti Arya |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-032-L04-PCE Hours
- Identify goals and objectives of a peer teaching evaluation.
- Describe subjective and objective content to be included within a teaching reflection to maximize feedback.
- Describe a process for how to prepare and conduct a peer evaluation of teaching.
Lea S. Eiland |
Michael J. Gonyeau |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-033-L04-PCE Hours
- Identify core considerations essential to team teaching.
- Apply examples of best practices of team teaching design and evaluation to their institution.
- Develop a plan to implement one or more of the team teaching best practices highlighted during the session.
- Summarize key messages of the day.
Arin Whitman |
Bradley Wright |
Shannon Kinney |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-034-L04-PCE Hours
- List examples of the ambition, resolution and resilience of some of our nation’s past presidents, and the lessons for aspiring and established leaders.
- Describe how past setbacks and triumphs shed light on the cultural, economic and political transformations that define today’s turbulent times.
- Explain how our democracy has remained resilient in past troubling times.
Doris Kearns Goodwin |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-035-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe the components of a site-based preceptor development workshop focused on giving feedback.
- Implement an abbreviated workshop activity through role play and self-assessment.
Cheryl L. Clarke |
Kathryn A. Schott |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-036-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe an interprofessional simulation focused on social determinants of health and behavioral health and the impact it had on pharmacy and social work learners.
- Collaborate with attendees to identify additional activities focused on social determinants of health and behavioral health to apply at home institution.
Ashley Crowl |
Sarah Shrader, Pharm.D., FCCP
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-037-L04-PCE Hours
- Identify the ACPE recommendations that pertain to special populations.
- Summarize the current state of pediatric content in Pharm.D. programs.
- Compare and contrast two different strategies for implementing pediatric content in the required curriculum.
- Outline steps colleges of pharmacy can take to increase the amount of pediatric content and skills in the required Pharm.D. curricula.
Chad Knoderer |
Melanie K. Claborn |
Peter N. Johnson |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-038-L04-PCE Hours
- Identify the value of non-cognitive assessments in the admissions process and how they can complement the cognitive metrics.
- Summarize the various non-cognitive assessment tools that are currently available for pharmacy school admissions.
- Analyze the effectiveness of a particular assessment from both a psychometric and feasibility perspective for use in admissions.
- Improve the pharmacy school admissions process by proposing ways in which a non-cognitive assessment can be incorporated into the existing process.
Andrea J. Cameron |
Gilles Leclerc |
Harold I Reiter |
Jill Hall |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-039-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe an innovative, hands-on Interprofessional Education activity that improves Doctor of Pharmacy and Optometry students' knowledge of nonprescription ophthalmic products and self-treatable ophthalmic conditions.
- Discuss opportunities to collaborate with allied health professionals to enrich pharmacy students' ability to provide optimal patient care.
Kaelen C. Dunican |
Stephanie Conway |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-040-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe qualities of global citizenship as they pertain to pharmacy education and practice.
- Explain how the dialogue of global citizenship is connected across pharmacy education and practice conferences worldwide.
- Define the elements of change that can influence development of global citizenship skills amongst educators, practitioners, and students in pharmacy.
- Determine at least one action for amplifying these elements of change.
- Commit to sharing the results on the PharmAcademy platform in order for others to continue to learn.
Jodie V. Malhotra |
David R. Steeb |
John A. Pieper |
Kari L. Franson |
Tina Brock |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-041-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe how prevention, crisis management, and educational strategies can address barriers and improve care for students with mental health issues.
- Discuss how an approach for referring students exhibiting concerning behaviors can prevent progression to a crisis.
- Compare and contrast available crisis response workflows implemented in two pharmacy schools for students with acute needs.
- Incorporate interventions discussed in the development of innovative educational programs to increase awareness in mental health and reduce the risk of suicide.
- Adapt ideas presented for the development of interventions in one’s own learning environment.
Kelly N. Gable |
Amber D. Frick |
Colleen Wernoski |
Heidi N. Anksorus |
Suzanne C. Harris |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-042-L04-PCE Hours
- Provide the context and development of interprofessional diagnosis competencies.
- Discuss the role of pharmacists in the diagnostic process and in preventing and detecting diagnostic errors.
- Describe how the interprofessional diagnosis competencies map to ACPE standards, the pharmacist patient care process, and entrustable professional activities.
- Synthesize examples of how existing curriculum can address interprofessional diagnosis competencies.
Gloria Grice |
Jeannine M. Conway |
Mark L Graber |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-043-L04-PCE Hours
- Explain the importance of opioid and naloxone training for pharmacy students.
- Discuss lessons learned from various methodologies and explore ways to improve the training options currently being used.
- Bring training methods back to their institution in order to understand which method may work best for their learners.
Chelsea E. Renfro |
Karen Whalen |
Nancy Borja-Hart |
Carol A. Motycka |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-139-L04-PCE Hours
- Apply knowledge from simulation to describe the components of a successful interprofessional escape room activity.
- Identify barriers and opportunities to implement an interprofessional escape room.
Benjamin Chavez |
Eric H. Gilliam |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-044-L04-PCE Hours
- Compare and contrast Millennials and Gen Z students.
- Describe educational techniques to enhance teaching and learning for Gen Z.
Alex N. Isaacs |
Sarah A. Nisly |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-045-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe how a structured feedback model can be implemented in various areas of the curricula.
- Discuss current education activities and propose methods to implement the structured feedback model within the pharmacy curricula.
- Demonstrate how a structured feedback model can be used to improve student feedback.
Clark Kebodeaux |
Mikael D. Jones |
Tina Brock |
Vivienne Mak |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-046-L04-PCE Hours
- Identify opportunities for leveraging technology in CPE activities.
- Discuss examples of fostering and disseminating quality improvement through CPE activities.
- Develop a preliminary plan for using technology-based learning enhancements in the attendee's organization.
Barbara L. Jolly |
James Wheeler |
Peter J. Hughes |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-047-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe the history and development of the Habits of Preceptors Rubric (HOP-R).
- Explain the concept of “Habits of Preceptors” in terms of its goals to improve preceptor skills and learning outcomes.
- Utilize the HOP-R to self or peer assess precepting habits.
Alison M. Stevens |
Gloria Grice |
Lindsay E. Davis |
Suzanne Larson |
Tara Storjohann |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-048-L04-PCE Hours
- Discuss the needs for mentoring throughout a career in academia.
- Describe various academic mentoring models.
- Develop a mentoring plan for a department or school.
Daniel R. Malcom |
Emmeline Tran |
Karen F. Marlowe |
Lea S. Eiland |
Leslie A. Hamilton |
Sally L. Haack |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-049-L04-PCE Hours
- Identify the value in improved health outcomes when engaging patients and caregivers as partners in medication management.
- Recommend key strategic approaches and tools in implementing the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process from a patient’s perspective.
- Describe the medication experience as a social phenomenon, in addition to a clinical one.
- Discuss the utility of a patient engagement tool in helping pharmacists collect, assess, and address patients’ medication adherence barriers.
- Describe three methods of tailored patient education to improve patient engagement, functional health literacy, and medication adherence.
Anandi V. Law |
Jamie C. Barner |
Jon C. Schommer |
Lourdes G. Planas |
Pat Merryweather |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-050-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe various active learning activities that can be utilized to teach cultural competence (CC) concepts effectively and efficiently.
- Develop strategies to provide skills training for CC, including but not limited to training faculty, preceptors, and students through integrative techniques such as using standardized patients.
- Evaluate appropriate methods to assess student knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors gained from CC training.
- Develop a plan to address barriers in teaching and assessing CC concepts.
Aleda M. Chen |
Imbi Drame |
Nancy Borja-Hart |
Sally Arif |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-051-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe various technologies that can be used to simulate patient care delivery within a telehealth context.
- Discuss assessment strategies to ensure student learning within a telehealth model.
Deepti Vyas |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-052-L04-PCE Hours
- Review the role of gamification in pharmacy education.
- Discuss ways to incorporate gamification principles into your course(s).
Jaclyn Cole |
Melissa Ruble |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-053-L04-PCE Hours
- Differentiate between reasoning and judgment in the four-step model of therapeutic decision-making.
- Discuss the evidence for and against applying the three models of reasoning derived from the diagnostics literature to therapeutics.
- Explain how scaffolding can be used to assist students in mastering the processes of therapeutic decision-making.
- Counsel a learner on approaches to optimize delivery of their therapeutic recommendations in an interprofessional care environment.
Conan MacDougall |
Dan Wright |
Megan Anakin |
Tina Brock |
Zubin H. Austin |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-055-L04-PCE Hours
- Discuss the relevance of differential diagnosis in pharmacy education and practice.
- Describe how differential diagnosis is practically applied in pharmacy practice and how it relates to the JCPP Pharmacists' Patient Care Process.
Mandy M. Jones |
Nicholas Nelson |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-056-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe the incorporation of suicide awareness and prevention into the curriculum.
- Discuss impacts and needs of suicide awareness training for student pharmacists.
Christina R. Buchman |
Megan Willson |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-057-L04-PCE Hours
- Explain the role of person-job fit in determining job engagement and burnout.
- List strategies for preventing person-job mismatch among faculty and student pharmacists.
- Analyze one's current job for areas of mismatch and opportunities for job redesign.
- Formulate strategies to optimize person-job using principles of job redesign.
Brent N. Reed |
Stuart T. Haines |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-137-L04-PCE Hours
- Examine community competency as an educational framework for learning and working across diverse cultures and communities.
- Explore opportunities for faculty to integrate community competency into their own pharmacy coursework and experiences.
Amanda M. Loya |
Beau Stubblefield-Tave |
Jeri J. Sias |
Robert L. Emerson |
Tamara McCants |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-058-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe approaches for faculty from the basic and clinical disciplines to work together to achieve the common goal of interdisciplinary integration.
- Describe how patient cases and case-based problem solving provide a source of common ground for the application of curricular knowledge, while enabling the faculty to operate within his or her disciplinary comfort zone.
- Learn to select or to write patient cases based on nature of the curricular topics to be integrated.
- Participate in the development of an interdisciplinary case.
Anita T. Mosley |
Catherine J. Cone |
William C. Mobley |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-059-L04-PCE Hours
- Discuss the importance of collaborative education about self-care among a variety of healthcare disciplines.
- Describe innovative approaches for providing interprofessional education to a variety of healthcare provider student colleagues.
- Demonstrate active learning tools used in providing interprofessional education to a variety of healthcare student colleagues.
- Discuss the impact of interprofessional education activities involving a variety of healthcare student colleagues.
Louise S. Parent-Stevens |
Jennifer A. Wilson |
Marlowe D. Kachlic |
Rupal Mansukhani |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-133-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe ten attributes of successful interprofessional education and apply these attributes to interprofessional education focusing on substance use disorders.
- Summarize ways that IP learning can be incorporated into classroom and experiential learning opportunities of various lengths that focus on substance use disorder.
- Develop a substance use disorder focused IP learning activity that capitalizes on the strengths of an individual institution, community, or culture.
Andrew J. Muzyk |
Gina M. Baugh |
Laura C. Palombi |
Lucas G. Hill |
Tran A. Tran |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-060-L04-PCE Hours
- Examine and reflect on their teaching, research, leadership, service, and personal experiences.
- Describe the type of faculty member/practitioner/person you want to be along the areas of teaching, research, service, leadership, and personal life.
- Determine a process for identifying, developing, and implementing a 1-4 year plan to achieve your personal and professional goals.
- Identify ways to take responsibility and advocate for your career and its development and life outside of work to combat the components of burnout (overwork, exhaustion, stress).
- Create a list of people who appropriately challenge and support your personal and professional development (peers, mentors, and supervisors).
Andrea S. Franks |
Lisa M. Meny |
Michael J. Fulford |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-062-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe how addressing student identity misalignments, creating belonging, and modeling enthusiasm increase student interest and motivation.
- Compare and contrast the indications, MOA, administration, and monitoring for evidence-based motivation interventions.
- Apply motivation interventions to one’s own teaching and learning environment.
Jeff J. Cain |
Kayley M. Lyons |
Stuart T. Haines |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-063-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe the impact of antimicrobial stewardship (AS) on public health, recent governmental and regulatory mandates for AS, and the role that pharmacists are specified to have by these organizations.
- Review three key factors in performing a national survey and recruiting participants into an educational collaborative.
- Describe classroom-based and practice-based educational innovations in AS and assess how these innovations might be implemented or adapted in your local curriculum.
- Propose initial steps for establishment of an educational collaborative for a different area of pharmacy specialty practice.
Amber Giles |
Conan MacDougall |
Navaneeth (Nav) Narayanan |
Zachary N. Jenkins |
Jonathan Thigpen |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-064-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe faculty development initiatives to minimize common item writing flaws in multiple choice examinations.
- Identify methods that can be used for standard setting of examinations.
- Apply instruments to identify item writing flaws and apply strategies to set exam cut-scores.
Jaekyu Shin |
Katherine Gruenberg |
Michael D. Wolcott |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-065-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe steps to show transparency when assigning teaching hours by working collaboratively with faculty.
- Use a tool to assign and maintain accuracy of department teaching hours.
Jordan Sedlacek |
Joshua Caballero |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-066-L04-PCE Hours
- Outline a curricular integrated, post-graduate training program designed to prepare students for securing a PGY-1 residency program in a highly competitive environment.
- Examine the educational impact, curricular utility, feasibility, and generalizability of the program.
Amy L. Seybert |
Neal J. Benedict |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-067-L04-PCE Hours
- Discuss recent advances, current challenges, and future directions in precision medicine.
- Describe the role of the pharmacist in implementing pharmacogenomics and precision medicine.
- Summarize key needs, challenges, and educational strategies for precision medicine in the profession of pharmacy.
Kristin Wiisanen |
Julie A. Johnson |
Todd Sorensen |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-138-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe the use of productive study time logs in higher education.
- Identify student time allocations or study techniques that promote academic success in integrated pharmacotherapy courses.
Alex N. Isaacs |
Zachary A. Weber |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-068-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe how logic models can be used to facilitate the backwards design process, intentionally linking desired outcomes to learning activities.
- Create the initial components of a logic model for an individual learning activity or course.
Casey Gallimore |
Edward Portillo |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-069-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe US marijuana laws in the context of the social-political backdrop in the past 50 years (1970- present).
- Examine the current national marijuana landscape, social and political climate, and the pharmacist’s role in dispensing medical cannabis.
- Evaluate the pharmacist’s liability against federal enforcement risks for medical marijuana dispensing activities using case scenarios.
- Identify considerations/impact of medical marijuana on the business and practice of pharmacy.
Daniel J. Ventricelli |
Ettie Rosenberg |
Thomas S. Franko |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-070-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe tools for assessment of interprofessional collaboration.
- Describe use of an implementation framework to ensure appropriate use of preceptor delivery of an interprofessional activity.
- Utilize active learning strategies to gather practical approaches to improve use of implementation of assessment tools in experiential education.
- Discuss refinement of assessment tools to meet individual program needs.
Amanda Margolis |
Ashley Crowl |
Jennifer Danielson, PharmD, MBA, CDE
Lindsey H. Welch |
Lori J. Duke |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-071-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe the national landscape of co-curricular implementation and assessment modalities by accredited schools and colleges of pharmacy.
- Discuss assessment approaches to ensure that co-curricular learning outcomes are tracked and achieved.
- Based upon case studies from different institutions, outline best practice approaches to assess and map student learning within the co-curriculum.
Cameron C. Lindsey |
Daniel R. Malcom |
Jaime L. Maerten-Rivera |
Kelly Lee |
Richard d'Assalenaux |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-072-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe current efforts among 3 pharmacy programs to evaluate and support students after incidents involving alcohol or misused drugs.
- Develop a tool-kit of strategies to evaluate and support students after incidents involving alcohol or misused drugs.
- Compare and contrast different ways of evaluating and supporting students after incidents involving alcohol or misused drugs depending on state intern regulations, program mission and policies, and local health issues.
- Identify strategies to begin evaluating the effectiveness of supportive measures used for students after incidents involving alcohol or misused drugs.
Amy Diepenbrock |
Jeremy Hughes |
Paul W. Jungnickel |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-073-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe unique challenges in precepting students whose native language is not English.
- Discuss potential barriers that prevent students from communicating their educational needs.
- Incorporate dynamic tools to effectively precept students whose native language is not English.
Caroline Sierra |
Norman E Fenn |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-074-L04-PCE Hours
- Identify challenges associated with developing student accommodation plans that align with the goals and learning objectives of a skills-based course.
- Describe strategies that can be used to develop reasonable and effective accommodations for simulated performance-based assessments that support achievement of educational outcomes.
- Discuss methods for developing longitudinal accommodations that facilitate student transitions from assessments in the skills-based laboratory to experiential environments.
Lucio Volino |
Sheila M. Allen |
Casey Gallimore |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-075-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe how one remediation method may be better suited to assess student competency based on course type and stated learning objectives.
- Review unique remediation challenges associated with course goals/objectives for multiple course types.
- Consider how available resources may influence a chosen remediation method.
- Proactively identify challenges and solutions to the design and implementation of remediation activities.
Anita J. Cleven |
Maria Pruchnicki |
Susanne G. Barnett |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-076-L04-PCE Hours
- Identify opportunities for partnership among organizations in your local environment to address global health needs.
- Describe examples of didactic and experiential activities used in multiple schools of pharmacy to develop global health skills in a local environment for student pharmacists.
- Brainstorm strategies for increased global health engagement in your local setting, in rural or otherwise underserved communities.
Lauren J. Jonkman |
David R. Steeb |
Ellen M. Schellhase |
Monica L. Miller |
Stephanie N. Kiser |
Sharon E. Connor |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-077-L04-PCE Hours
- Articulate the impact of learner centered philosophies and student development theories on creating effective student learning environments in the co-curriculum.
- Strategize, compare, and contrast practical efforts in developing, implementing, and assessing co-curricular programs.
- Evaluate opportunities to integrate students’ co-curricular experiences into advising and experiential programs.
Andrea L. Wilhite |
Brad L. Wingo |
Jacqueline M. Zeeman |
Teresa M. DeLellis |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-078-L04-PCE Hours
- Name at least three new research methods which could be used in pharmacy education research, but are not currently being utilized.
- Identify one research method or analysis that they could utilize in their future SoTL.
- Discover resources for implementing the selected research method or analysis in their future SoTL.
Kayley M. Lyons |
Michael D. Wolcott |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-079-L04-PCE Hours
- Identify practical tips on how to successfully approach the challenges of incorporating an interprofessional, patient-led cultural competency training into the curriculum.
- Create a roster of potential patient populations to have represented on a cultural competency panel.
Annesha White |
Caitlin Gibson |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-080-L04-PCE Hours
- Provide a model for how to create mutually beneficial opportunities between regional institutions around future faculty preparation.
- Describe the impact of the program on participants’ career placement and professional development and readiness.
- Describe the creation and implementation of a model for pedagogical training at an institutional level.
- Brainstorm how they might implement a similar program at their own institutions.
Christine Skibinski |
Jennifer Aumiller |
Kelly Clark |
James M. Culhane |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-081-L04-PCE Hours
- Examine the gap in cultural competence education as it relates to various patient populations.
- Summarize how co-curricular activities required within a pharmacy skills lab could augment curricular cultural competence outcomes.
- Demonstrate several methods for integrating marginalized patient groups into active-learning exercises using the Patient Voices series as a template.
- Describe the development of an online cultural competence OSCE training module as a teaching tool for pharmacy students.
- Collaborate with other educators to brainstorm additional opportunities for cultural competence training and how the provided examples can be tailored for use at other institutions.
Brittney A. Meyer |
Annie Nebergall |
Heidi N. Anksorus |
Lawrencia Louise Brown |
Vivienne Mak |
Andrea L. Porter |
Gina Bellottie |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-082-L04-PCE Hours
- Develop and define mobile application technology in the pharmacy profession and pharmacy education.
- Identify technologies utilized to manage or maintain resources to effectively manage therapy.
- Effectively communicate the usage of the technologies and instruct others about the impact and future of mobile applications and wearable technology.
Jennifer R. Martin |
Timothy D. Aungst |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-083-L04-PCE Hours
- Discuss the importance of emergency preparedness.
- Identify opportunities for pharmacists and student pharmacists to participate in emergency preparedness and response.
- Describe methods of incorporating emergency preparedness into the pharmacy curriculum.
Jonathan Thigpen |
Tamara McCants |
Trina J. von Waldner |
Vibhuti Arya |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-084-L04-PCE Hours
- Identify the top 10 evidence-based teaching and learning strategies.
- Apply these evidence-based strategies to the various pharmacy learning environments.
- Brainstorm use of these methods in your teaching environment.
Adam M. Persky |
Ashley Castleberry |
Melissa S. Medina |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-086-L04-PCE Hours
- Recognize the different stressors students can experience including financial, food, housing, grades, etc.
- Identify resources for helping individuals struggling with mental health and wellness.
- Describe strategies for incorporating proactive mental wellness resources into the pharmacy curriculum.
- Discuss the importance of faculty training in navigating mental health resources to help students in distress.
Diana Tamer |
Jaclyn Novatt |
Jane Shtaynberg |
Steven Stoner |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-087-L04-PCE Hours
- Evaluate professional student attitudes towards stigmas in order to best approach educational efforts.
- Compare and contrast various educational strategies (didactic, panel discussions, etc.) for addressing stigmatic topics such as addiction.
Gina M. Baugh |
Mark Paul Garofoli |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-088-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe current landscape of evidence around the benefits of peer review of teaching.
- Discuss historical and current practice in peer review of teaching, including opportunities and challenges, at each of the collaborating institutions.
- Describe collaboration processes around educational systems, including peer review of teaching.
- Identify opportunities for improving the quality of peer review of teaching within your institution.
Daniel R. Malcom |
Jeannine M. Conway |
Kathryn A. Morbitzer |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-090-L04-PCE Hours
- Assess program goals and personal level of confidence in developing and improving the co-curriculum at your institution.
- Describe methods for planning, implementing, and tracking co-curricular experiences.
- Identify strategies for assessing co-curricular experiences at your institution.
Graciela M. Armayor |
Robert McGory |
Rochelle Nappi |
Trina J. von Waldner |
Michael J. Fulford |
Karen R. Sando |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-091-L04-PCE Hours
- Explain current best practice recommendations for the design and delivery of TLCs.
- Apply principles of continuous quality improvement to conduction of a TLC.
- Anticipate and discuss one potential solution for a challenge that may be encountered during the implementation of a TLC.
Alex N. Isaacs |
Amy H. Sheehan |
Darin C. Ramsey |
Robert D. Beckett |
Tracy Sprunger |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-092-L04-PCE Hours
- Summarize the evidence supporting backward course design.
- Define summative assessment, formative assessment, and intentional repetition as they relate to course design.
- Outline an approach for revising all or part of a course using backward course design.
Amy K. Kennedy |
Shanna O'Connor |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-093-L04-PCE Hours
- Discuss persistent myths about work-life balance for pharmacy educators.
- Identify strategies for defining personal success, discerning what opportunities to take advantage of and how to build and maintain a support network.
- Identify strategies for organizations to achieve their strategic goals by defining them in a focused way that also aligns with their organization’s goals.
- Apply strategies that will help prioritize goals to ensure that they are met.
David G. Fuentes |
Kathryn J. Smith |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-094-L04-PCE Hours
- Identify best practices for exam item development and mapping, and exam blueprinting.
- Determine when and how to revise exam items and scoring based on available psychometric data.
- Discuss the importance of establishing validity and reliability of summative assessments.
- Compare and contrast different metrics and techniques for establishing the reliability of exam scores.
Ashok E. Philip |
Margarita V. DiVall |
Sean T Leonard |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-095-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe the implementation and lessons learned from an asynchronous discussion forum for pharmacy, medicine, and nursing students.
- Assess preliminary outcomes based upon student pharmacist perceptions of the experience via reflections and a modified ICCAS survey.
Leticia R. Moczygemba |
Veronica S. Young |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-096-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe novel methods to incorporate geriatric concepts (e.g. polypharmacy, deprescribing) into pharmacy curricula.
- Discuss innovative processes to educate about essential skills needed to optimize geriatric care in experiential education.
- Create or revise an exercise focused on geriatric care among program participants.
- Contribute to novel teaching ideas that can be shared among AACP members.
Christine M. Ruby-Scelsi |
Rebecca Mahan |
Teresa M. DeLellis |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-098-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe at least one ethical dilemma that helped give rise to the current opioid abuse crisis in the U.S.
- Identify at least three institutional moral agents whose decisions have contributed to the current opioid abuse crisis, and describe their roles in this saga.
- Describe the ethics principles at play in objective 2 above and explain how these principles were supported or violated.
Tim Stratton |
David M. Baker |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-099-L04-PCE Hours
- Explain various self-assessment tools used for Self-Awareness development.
- Discuss opportunities to improve Personal and Professional Development content in the program through didactic, extracurricular and co-curricular approaches.
- Evaluate various assessment techniques for Personal and Professional Development.
- Design a plan for further integrating one or more of the topic areas in Personal and Professional Development upon returning to your home institution.
Jenelle Sobotka |
Kim M. Jones |
Mary M. Bridgeman |
Trang D Trinh |
W. Mark Moore |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-100-L04-PCE Hours
- List the personal qualities that can be developed to build student and faculty resilience.
- Describe how organizations can create a culture of caring, connection, empowerment, and meaning that supports resiliency.
- Develop an individual and organizational development plan to implement strategies in the respective workplace settings using the 12 factor organizational health model.
Dana P. Hammer |
Jenny A. Van Amburgh |
Seena L. Haines |
Susan M. Stein |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-101-L04-PCE Hours
- Discuss the current landscape of postgraduate pharmacy training.
- Compare and contrast different strategies used at colleges throughout the country to improve student preparation for postgraduate training.
- Develop a strategy to incorporate new postgraduate training programs into current offerings at your school of pharmacy.
- Identify assessment strategies related to students learning around CAPE outcome 4.
Alexa A. Carlson |
Elizabeth Autry |
Matthew A. Wanat |
Monica L. Miller |
Danielle Miller |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-136-L04-PCE Hours
- Discuss components of pharmacy elective course offerings intended to support the development of a focused skill set and to differentiate students upon graduation.
- Outline a process to support students’ selection of elective coursework to inform their career interests.
- Identify and cultivate partnerships within and outside of the pharmacy program in order to offer elective course offerings to students.
Candice L. Garwood |
Helen D. Berlie |
Kristin K. Janke |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-102-L04-PCE Hours
- Discuss the need for evolving the Pharm.D. curriculum to include elements to allow students to be practice-ready for independent prescribing.
- Describe current efforts among 3 pharmacy programs to modify the hormonal contraception curriculum to prepare students for independent pharmacist prescribing.
- Compare and contrast different active learning activities and teaching modalities that can be used based on the learning methodology of a program (lecture-based versus team-based learning) to better prepare pharmacy students to independently prescribe medications.
- Identify strategies to begin evaluating the effectiveness of curricular changes to allow for students to be practice-ready for independent prescribing.
Jeremy Hughes |
Julie Akers |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-103-L04-PCE Hours
- Identify the common areas of deficiency which result in the failure of IPPE rotations.
- Describe the process of creating competency-specific activities to remediate IPPE deficiencies and ensure APPE-readiness.
- Describe the common areas of deficiency which result in the failure of APPE rotations.
- Describe the innovative APPE remediation approaches in place at three programs representing the New England Regional Departments of Experiential Education (NERDEE) consortium.
Courtney R. Caimano |
Jill M. Fitzgerald |
Kim D. Tanzer |
Rita Morelli |
Sandra W. Rosa |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-141-L04-PCE Hours
- Define the steps associated with integrating the VM learning process into a course/curriculum.
- Describe how VM can be used to enhance student communication to pharmacy preceptors and members of the interprofessional health team.
- Apply the VM practice to the development and implementation of a communication-based activity.
Edward Portillo |
Susanne G. Barnett |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-104-L04-PCE Hours
- Identify elements of teamwork that should be embedded into interprofessional education.
- Compare various models of teamwork training in interprofessional education.
- Apply methodology for teamwork training through practice scenarios.
Amber King |
Elena M. Umland |
Jennifer Danielson, PharmD, MBA, CDE
Michelle Z. Farland |
Sarah Shrader, Pharm.D., FCCP
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-105-L04-PCE Hours
- Identify ways to incorporate interprofessional education activities that focus on social determinants of health into your pharmacy curriculum.
- Develop assessment tools for evaluating students’ ability to recognize social determinants of health.
Chasity M. Shelton |
Chelsea E. Renfro |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-135-L04-PCE Hours
- Prepare for assessment changes involving the use of EPAs within Experiential Education programs, while also meeting CAPE Outcomes and ACPE Accreditation Standards.
- Explore change methodology for improving assessment tools, involving iterative preceptor feedback and ongoing input from an Experiential Education Advisory Committee.
- Discuss preliminary data generated from EPA-based evaluation tool implementation.
- Examine challenges and opportunities associated with updating IPPE and APPE evaluation tools based on EPAs.
Cathy L. Worrall |
Jennifer L. Baker |
Whitney Maxwell |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-106-L04-PCE Hours
- Discuss personality traits we all possess that make each of us uniquely capable of bringing fun into the learning environment.
- Describe the science and neuroscience behind creating an emotional connection to learning.
- Demonstrate a variety of techniques that can be used to spark learning and retention.
- Utilize self-reflection and guided exercise to connect humor and theatrical instruction with expected learning outcomes.
Michael J. Fulford |
Monica L. Miller |
Susan S. Vos |
Vibhuti Arya |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-107-L04-PCE Hours
- Discuss possible opportunities for and barriers to pharmacists independently prescribing in a community setting.
- Describe the role of a college or school of pharmacy in supporting future and current pharmacists with progressive, independent prescribing practices.
- Using examples of Idaho and Oregon laws, describe curricular strategies for training students for independent prescribing in the community setting.
Lorinda Anderson |
Jennifer Adams, Pharm.D., Ed.D
Michael Biddle |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-108-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe approaches to three types of scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) projects.
- Outline a potential SoTL project.
- Anticipate potential challenges or barriers to executing a SoTL project.
Daniel R. Kennedy |
Lauren A. O'Donnell |
Robert D. Beckett |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-142-L04-PCE Hours
- Identify key attributes of the “consultant” mindset.
- Apply the “consultant” mindset to case scenarios and vignettes.
- Compare and contrast the “consultant” mindset approach with the hierarchical, traditional administrator mindset.
- Imagine what results might look like when changing mindset to the “consultant” approach.
- Commit to one new behavior that can be integrated into leadership approaches when leading positive change and change leadership.
David Fuentes |
Ahmd Azab |
Jeremy Hughes |
Kim D. Tanzer |
Michael J Rudolph |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-109-L04-PCE Hours
- Recognize common challenges associated with engaging preceptors in preceptor development.
- Describe methods employed for structuring and documenting continuing education and preceptor development.
- Identify content for a preceptor development program.
Cathy Pierce |
Elizabeth Autry |
Pam Walker |
Paul C. Walker |
Valerie D Nolt |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-110-L04-PCE Hours
- Discuss successful models of PPCP implementation at three member institutions.
- Develop a plan for implementing PPCP model training for preceptors.
- Develop a network of scholars who can advance the PPCP model.
James Wheeler |
Janet H. Cooley |
Keri D. Hager |
Sara N. Trovinger |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-111-L04-PCE Hours
- Discuss the current body of evidence pertaining to experiential remediation.
- Use root cause analysis strategies to identify student learning deficits in each of the four CAPE education outcome domains.
- Identify other disciplines and professions that can contribute to the success of a student-specific remediation plan.
- Synthesize a student-specific remediation plan within the framework of the CAPE educational outcome domains.
- Implement strategies along the continuum of learning to maximize remediation success.
Marian Gaviola |
Meredith L. Howard |
Randy Martin |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-112-L04-PCE Hours
- Outline the considerations for global collaboration with other schools of pharmacy.
- Describe the benefits and challenges of global collaboration when designing and developing teaching resources.
- Reflect on the effectiveness of your current international relationships.
- Develop an action plan to introduce international collaborations to your school of pharmacy.
Heidi N. Anksorus |
Lawrencia Louise Brown |
Stefanie P. Ferreri |
Terry Tin Wai Ng |
Vivienne Mak |
Amanda C. Savage |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-113-L04-PCE Hours
- Identify strategies for integrating cultural competency throughout the Pharm.D. curriculum.
- Understand how the preceptor roles of instructing, modeling, coaching, and facilitating impact intercultural competence development in students.
- Identify tools for culturally sensitive self-development.
- Apply criteria for enhancing preceptor evaluation of culturally competent care in practice.
L'Aurelle A. Johnson |
Mary McGuiggan |
Oscar W. Garza |
Raquel Rodriguez |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-114-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe the state of EPA utilization within IPPEs.
- Describe 3 different assessment methods incorporating EPAs within IPPEs.
- Discuss successes and challenges of implementing EPAs as an assessment construct within IPPEs.
Elizabeth Trolli |
Jennie B. Jarrett |
Mara A. Kieser |
Sheila M. Allen |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-115-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe how components of team theory can be applied to classroom and experiential collaborative learning teams.
- Compare a variety of coaching strategies to develop team skills for individuals and teams.
- Apply strategies for team skill coaching to a variety of common scenarios in pharmacy education.
Andrea S. Franks |
Michelle Z. Farland |
William Ofstad |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-116-L04-PCE Hours
- Discuss the value of reaching higher levels of curricular integration.
- Discuss barriers/challenges to achieving higher levels of curricular integration.
- Identify opportunities for increased levels of curricular integration within faculty teaching teams.
- Describe essential support structures and strategies for planning and implementing an integrated curriculum including establishing a clear mission and strong leadership.
- Apply lessons learned to their home institution.
Julaine Fowlin |
Karen F. Marlowe |
Karen Whalen |
Lori B. Hornsby |
Shane M. Ryan |
Bradley M. Wright |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-117-L04-PCE Hours
- Differentiate between leadership and management.
- Describe Maxwell and Collin’s hierarchy of leadership.
- Identify various styles of leadership.
- Discuss how to engage with different personalities in a team.
- Decide how to proceed when presented with a leadership situation.
Lisa Nissen |
Toyin S. Tofade |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-118-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe how qualitative analysis can identify challenges and benefits in the design of a PPCP course.
- Develop a plan for collecting and analyzing qualitative data to support future PPCP course revisions.
Beth Phillips |
Russ Palmer |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-061-L04-PCE Hours
- Identify opportunities for maximizing faculty scholarship efficiency.
- Create an attendee specific plan for pursuing multiple venues in a single project.
Alex N. Isaacs |
Sarah A. Nisly |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-119-L04-PCE Hours
- Explain the unique value proposition of the clinician pharmacist on the primary care team in a value-based system.
- Describe essential leadership practices and grassroots advocacy strategies that can be applied in healthcare settings to accelerate reform and build community.
- Identify specific action steps they can take to accelerate integration of clinical pharmacists into primary care teams.
Andrew Morris-Singer |
Kari Mader |
Todd Sorensen |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-134-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe a process for engaging a community partner to create a student interprofessional service learning program designed to keep seniors safe in their homes.
- Identify best practices and lessons learned when creating interprofessional service learning experiences which allow for student participation in the management of, and health promotion for patients.
Nancy Stoehr |
Travis Suss |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-120-L04-PCE Hours
- Compare and contrast faculty and centralized management of student excused absences.
- Identify the implications of absences on academic progression, student well-being, and career development.
- Describe challenges associated with policy transitions associated with excused absences.
Cherokee Layson-Wolf |
Shannon R. Tucker |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-121-L04-PCE Hours
- Explain why a comprehensive plan for interpreting results from the Curriculum Quality Surveys is valuable to an institution’s assessment plan.
- Describe common strategies used to overcome barriers to survey research, including AACP surveys (e.g., sampling, response rate, limitations in interpreting).
- Explain strategies for the utilization of internal and external benchmarks.
- Discuss strategies to communicate findings to key stakeholders and develop action plans.
- Develop or modify a survey assessment plan to make it systematic and to promote continuous quality improvement.
Aleda M. Chen |
Fred Doloresco |
Jaime L. Maerten-Rivera |
Lisa M. Meny |
Mandy R. Seiferlein |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-122-L04-PCE Hours
- Apply successful strategies for collecting non-faculty preceptor feedback with regards to student APPE-readiness.
- Detect opportunities to use EPAs to collect data on APPE-readiness in their own programs.
- Implement preceptor development programs and pursue curricular revision based on preceptor feedback.
- Recognize challenges, pitfalls and logistics of collecting preceptor feedback.
- Adapt this program delivery as a professional development workshop in their own institution.
Ashok E. Philip |
Mark A. Stephens |
Roopali Sharma |
Scott D. Greene |
Suzanne Carbonaro |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-123-L04-PCE Hours
- Summarize research evidence for Situational Judgement Tests (SJT).
- Explain the purpose and structure of an SJT.
- Describe current use of SJTs within health sciences education through two case study descriptions.
- Create an SJT scenario, designed to measured non-cognitive pharmacist attributes.
Charlotte Flaxman |
Jacqueline McLaughlin |
Kathryn J. Smith |
Michael D. Wolcott |
Michelle Z. Farland |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-124-L04-PCE Hours
- Discuss the types of resources students may need to support their success holistically while enrolled in a professional degree program.
- Identify potential barriers that can deter students from requesting or accessing support.
- Determine how to support a student who may benefit from holistic resources or guidance.
Jennifer Adams, Pharm.D., Ed.D
Jennifer D. Robinson |
Kassandra M. Bartelme |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-125-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe current efforts among three pharmacy programs for incorporating active learning in orientation programming.
- Develop strategies to apply active learning and hands-on training to assist in introducing new pharmacy students to the profession.
- Compare and contrast different ways of incorporating hands on learning depending on local health issues, program mission, and state intern regulations.
- Identify innovative activities that can help students shift their mindsets from students to future healthcare providers during orientation.
C. Leiana L. Oswald |
David G. Fuentes |
Helen C. Park |
Jeremy Hughes |
Renee M. DeHart |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-126-L04-PCE Hours
- Discuss how to implement patient screening within the community pharmacy to prevent opioid misuse and accidental overdose.
- Discuss how to design, deliver and implement a statewide continuing professional development program to address a public health issue.
Amy Werremeyer |
Elizabeth T. Skoy |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-127-L04-PCE Hours
- Articulate components of an APPE readiness assessment strategy that measures both skills-based and attitudes-based competencies.
- Identify common barriers and potential solutions for assessing APPE readiness.
- Discuss different approaches to validating APPE readiness assessments.
Erenie Guirguis |
Jonathan Jackson |
Lisa Lebovitz |
Mariette Sourial |
Cherokee Layson-Wolf |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-128-L04-PCE Hours
- Articulate why resilience is an essential leadership characteristic for pharmacy educators to possess.
- Select an appropriate assessment tool that provides meaningful evaluation of resilience, well-being, and burnout in pharmacy educators and pharmacy students.
- Describe initiatives based within schools and colleges of pharmacy that include assessment, curricular changes, and organizational support for improving the well-being of pharmacy students, staff, and faculty.
- Strategize interventions that can be adapted for use within schools and colleges of pharmacy to promote a culture of resilience and well-being in pharmacy education.
Jacqueline M. Zeeman |
Mollie A. Scott |
Nicholas E. Hagemeier |
Seena L. Haines |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-129-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe wellness activities and mindfulness tools that can be incorporated into a laboratory course to promote student wellness and resilience.
- Examine the connection of student mindful awareness as a method to enhance patient centered care within the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process.
- Analyze the time efficient implementation of gratitude and mindful awareness training into a lab course series, the student response to the efforts and future directions planned.
- Evaluate an approach to teaching students skills on the assessment of mental health and well-being.
- Outline a wellness action plan for personal and professional development.
Brittany L. Riley |
Chelsea M. Anderson |
Elizabeth A. Buckley |
Jamie Woodyard |
Kimberly S. Illingworth Plake |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-130-L04-PCE Hours
- Identify at least 5 methods to increase the digital accessibility of course material.
- Recall different digitally available alternative formats for course documents.
- Discuss common obstacles encountered by faculty related to digital accessibility.
- Create more accessible digital materials for learner.
Brianne L. Dunn |
Jason S. Haney |
Melissa Hortman |
Scott W. Bragg |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-131-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe the Core EPA Practice Manager Domain.
- Identify challenges and opportunities in their curriculum to implement and assess students in the didactic curriculum.
- Participate in one student engagement activity design during the session.
- Participate in one student engagement activity design during the session.
Cortney M Mospan |
Lauren M. Caldas |