Date: Feb 23, 2019 08:00 AM - Feb 26, 2019 01:00 PM
CE Hours
CE Units
Target Audience(s)
- Pharmacists
The purpose of the AACP Continuing Professional Development program is to provide continuing professional development opportunities to members and others eligible who are dedicated to life-long learning. AACP will provide high quality, active, engaging educational programming enabling individuals to continuously improve their knowledge and skills.
The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.
Requirements for CE Credit
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- Explain the significance of diversity in the new economy.
- Discuss the challenges surrounding diversity, equity and inclusion.
- Describe evidence-based diversity and inclusion strategies that can be implemented at their institution.
Damon Williams |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-012-L04-PCE Hours
- Explore how leadership excellence can be inspired by conscious focus on intangibles that support data-informed decisions.
- Address and discern what a culture of engagement is and how fostering it may help individuals, including the leader him/herself to reach explore one's potential.
- Describe how excellence differs from perfection and how excellence can grow infinitely.
- Describe how transformational leadership necessitates involvement.
Richanne C. Mankey |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-001-L04-PCE Hours
- Identify challenges in leading the multigenerational workforce as it relates to communication styles, adapting to change, and views on work-life balance.
- Discuss how to promote a work culture free of ageism.
- Provide strategies to support the unique needs of multigenerational pharmacy faculty.
- Encourage thinking analytically and creatively about how to better understand pharmacy faculty.
- Determine assessment measures to consider when assessing the impact of faculty generational diversity initiatives.
Willette S. Burnham-Williams |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-002-L04-PCE Hours
- Evaluate the use of professional debate arguing skills for application in leadership interactions.
- Assess the design, value and use of professional debate arguing in a team environment.
- Analyze the value and ramifications of pharmacy schools being operated like a business.
Jonathan A. Wolfson, JD
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-003-L04-PCE Hours
- Anticipate strengths in optimizing and aligning factors related to faculty evaluations and workload at your institution.
- Anticipate potential challenges in optimizing and aligning factors related to faculty evaluations and workload at your institution.
- Identify systematic interventions you could take to optimize or align factors related to faculty evaluations and workload at your institution.
Robert D. Beckett |
Teresa (Teri) A. Beam |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-004-L04-PCE Hours
- Evaluate the use of professional debate arguing skills for application in leadership interactions.
- Assess the design, value and use of professional debate arguing in a team environment.
- Analyze the value and ramifications of physicians or student physicians in interprofessional pharmacy education.
Jonathan A. Wolfson, JD
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-005-L04-PCE Hours
- Explain the value of leadership evaluation.
- Explain the opportunities and challenges of 360 degree leadership evaluations.
- Explain the formal versus informal leadership evaluation.
Evan Robinson, Ph.D.
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-006-L04-PCE Hours
- Define research misconduct and explain how ORI work with institutions and the scientists when an allegation of research misconduct is made.
- Recognize questionable research practices vs research misconduct.
- Describe the institution’s responsibilities in promoting research integrity and handling allegations of research misconduct.
- Identify red flags that could indicate research misconduct.
- Understand interpersonal, institutional and professional responsibilities in overall ethical conduct in research.
Ranjini Ambalavanar |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-007-L04-PCE Hours
- Evaluate the use of professional debate arguing skills for application in leadership interactions.
- Assess the design, value and use of professional debate arguing in a team environment.
- Analyze the value and ramifications of academic freedom at educational institutions.
Jonathan A. Wolfson, JD
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-008-L04-PCE Hours
- Explain a social media strategy for the school/college of pharmacy.
- Describe digital and in-person recruitment methods to best appeal to millennials and Gen Z students.
- Recognize successful marketing strategies from a national perspective that can be incorporated into a cohesive campaign.
Emily Burns |
Margarita V. DiVall |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-009-L04-PCE Hours
- Provide a definition of faculty leadership development.
- Describe guiding principles for faculty leadership development.
- Identify 2-3 areas for focused leadership development for any faculty person, regardless of position or title.
- Name at least one existing opportunity for leadership development and describe methods to maximize its impact
Andrew P. Traynor |
Kristin K. Janke |
Activity Number
0581-0000-19-010-L04-PCE Hours
- Introduce and discuss current legal issues in higher education.
- Discuss nationwide research efforts profiling academic administrator’s perceptions, preparedness and professional development needs.
- Evaluate, discuss and assess legal issues facing higher education administrators in categories identified as important by previous research efforts.
- Formulate strategies for continued legal preparedness of academic administrators in schools of pharmacy.
David D. Allen |
Diane Ginsburg |
Jonathan A. Wolfson, JD
Richard J. Kasmer |