Date: Feb 24, 2018 08:00 AM - Feb 27, 2018 01:00 PM
CE Hours
CE Units
Target Audience(s)
- Pharmacists
The purpose of the AACP Continuing Professional Development program is to provide continuing professional development opportunities to members and others eligible who are dedicated to life-long learning. AACP will provide high quality, active, engaging educational programming enabling individuals to continuously improve their knowledge and skills.
The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.
Requirements for CE Credit
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- Describe challenges associated with building a product development-focused translational research enterprise in an academic setting.
- Recognize the importance of product development-focused translational research in supporting the Kansas City region’s research priorities including community-based, matrix clinical and translational science award (CTSA) and NCI-designated cancer centers.
- Recognize the investments made by regional institutions in IAMI as well as returns on investment, in terms of both research mission and product development.
Scott Weir |
Activity Number
0581-0000-18-014-L04-PCE Hours
- Evaluate the use of professional debate arguing skills for application in leadership interactions.
- Assess the design, value and use of professional debate arguing in a team environment.
- Analyze the value and ramifications of internal hiring of pharmacy deans in the academic setting.
Jonathan A. Wolfson, JD
Activity Number
0581-0000-18-015-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe strategies to navigate crucial conversations occurring with students, residents, faculty and departmental staff.
- Discuss the pros and cons of different approaches to resolve conflict in the workplace.
- Reflect on your personal approach to handling difficult scenarios
- Identify one new technique or strategy to apply in a future situation involving conflict in the workplace.
Amy M. Franks |
Jane M. Gervasio |
Seena L. Haines |
Susan P. Bruce |
Activity Number
0581-0000-18-016-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe the current landscape of URM enrollment across health professions disciplines.
- Recognize the sociocultural, economic, and institution-based challenges faced in the recruitment and retention of URM students.
- Propose a collaborative effort to implement at their home institution.
Monica Holiday-Goodman |
Activity Number
0581-0000-18-017-L04-PCE Hours
- Articulate the pearls and pitfalls of effective moonshot goal-setting.
- Utilize champions to engage and sustain stakeholder support for strategic plans.
- Describe the rationale for department-specific strategic plans.
Jill A. Morgan |
Lisa Lebovitz |
Activity Number
0581-0000-18-018-L04-PCE Hours
- Identify tools for persuasion in crisis settings.
- Assess the role of critical feedback for an academic leadership team.
- Analyze the unique types of crisis communication that is persuasive to different audiences.
Jonathan A. Wolfson, JD
Activity Number
0581-0000-18-019-L04-PCE Hours
- Evaluate the use of professional debate arguing skills for application in leadership interactions.
- Assess the design, value and use of professional debate arguing in a team environment.
- Analyze the value and ramifications of term limits for administrative appointments in the academic setting.
Jonathan A. Wolfson, JD
Activity Number
0581-0000-18-020-L04-PCE Hours
- Evaluate the use of professional debate arguing skills for application in leadership interactions.
- Assess the design, value and use of professional debate arguing in a team environment.
- Analyze the value and ramifications of tenure in the pharmacy Academy.
Jonathan A. Wolfson, JD
Activity Number
0581-0000-18-021-L04-PCE Hours
- Describe the conditions for senior leadership team effectiveness.
- Evaluate whether a situation warrants an integrated senior leadership team.
- Discuss the four major types of senior leadership teams.
- Create sound structures for senior leadership team success.
- Establish a method to evaluate, reward, and reposition senior leadership team members.
- Identify the key components of an effective team.
- Assess your team’s functional behavior, and identify strategies to improve cohesion and high performance.
- Identify different group settings in the academic environment in which team functionality is poor.
Raylene Rospond |
Steve Martin |